כל המשמח חתן וכלה זוכה לחמשה קולות


Campaign Launched By:

Weissman Family

In honor of an orphan's wedding.

Thank you for joining in our campaign. Because of you, an orphan will celebrate her wedding with real joy through Tov V'Chesed. What an incredible zechus!


GOAL $7,500

RAISED $9,425



Dear Friends,

Today! We look forward with gratitude and joy to the marriage of our children Shmuely and Faiga. 

In light of the current situation and crisis around us we will be unable to shake hands and dance with each one of you. However, we will see your smile and feel your excitement from afar. 

We've decided to share our Simcha with you, dear family and friends, in a most meaningful and everlasting way. We undertook to raise the funds and marry an orphan in Israel who is getting married at this auspicious time. Tov V'Chesed's Simcha Fund, lead by our dear friend Rabbi Yakov Eliezer Shisha, sponsors over 280 weddings annually. We know the organization from up close and have even been there for a visit. It's Our honor to organize this campaign and we are sharing it with you! 

Please join us in this great endeavor. Wish us Mazel Tov through this campaign. Donate here and we will know that you are there!  

May this be a Zchus for all of us during these trying times. 

Yossi & Estee Weissman





Yoel Sofer


Yoel Bodek


Yoel Brull


Joseph Neustadt


Shragy S.


Yonah Fried




Robert Kalisch


In Honor of Yossi

Tovi Goldstein


In Honor of Shmuly weisman mazel tov!!


Donate towards an orphan's wedding expenses




Yoel Sofer


Yoel Bodek


Yoel Brull


Joseph Neustadt


Shragy S.


Yonah Fried




Robert Kalisch


In Honor of Yossi

Tovi Goldstein


In Honor of Shmuly weisman mazel tov!!

joel reisman


Yoel Bodek


Shaul Greenwald


yidi Herschkowitz


In Honor of Yossy mazel tov



Menachem Stern


In Honor of Yossi and family, Mazel Tov!

Yaakov Weiss


In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Weissman- Mazal Tov!

Ezra Lebowitz


Yaakov Steuer


In Honor of Master chef Zvi Duvid!!

Mordechai Jacobowitz


In Honor of מזל טוב לכבוד ר' יוסף חתן וכל משפחתו החשובה

In Memory of Shimcha vnaches gezinterhiet and all the best, all the good things you do should only bring you brucha and all the best



In Honor of החתן והכלה ווייסמאן שיחיו

In Memory of מזל טוב ושמחת עולם אכי"ר

Chaim Eidlisz


In Honor of Yossi weissman

Esty & Shmuly Deutch


Rachel Brown


In Honor of Weissman’s weddibg

Shimon Lefkowitz


In Honor of Mazel tov to the Weissman family! May you always see simchas and naches!!! May the Choson and Kallah build a bais neman b'Yisroel!!!

Hershy Jeremias


In Honor of Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!

Moshe & Miriam Freilich


M. Hecht


Shaya Seidenfeld


Zeidy & Bobby Neeman


In Honor of Mazel Tov!!

Yidel Ehrman


Brooke Jacobs


Yanky & Rivky weiss


In Honor of מזל טוב Maybe share many more simchas געזינטערהייט



Yidel Ehrman


In Honor of Mazel tov Yossi



Motl Apter


Benjamin Indig


Moshe Bron


In Honor of Bar mitzvah of Eli bron and the chusen kallah of course

In Memory of יהודית מינא בת אברהם אביר

Jacob lefkowitz


In Memory of לע"נ ר חיים זאנוויל ב ר משה מריבניץ זצוק"ל



David Glick


In Honor of Mazel Tov!! Lots of Yiddish Naches!!!!



In Honor of יוס"ף ד' עליכם ועל בניכם, ויעשה פר"י לטוב"ה

Aharon Hersh Fried


In Honor of Chasan VeKalla vehoreihem

Ruben Werczberger


In Honor of mazel tov. We are looking forward to share many simchas together.

Moshe Schlesinger


Joel Brody


Shimon Klagsbrun


In Honor of R' Yosef Yuzfa, was a nice way to celebrate. Lots of Nachas



In Honor of ידידינו וידיד כל בית ישראל ר' יוסף ווייסמאן

In Memory of בברכת מזל טוב לרגל שמחת הנשואין



Lazer Hartman


In Honor of יוסל ווייסמאן

In Memory of יוסל מזל טוב אסאך נחת

Joseph Mayer


In Honor of יוזפע אין די גאנצע משפחה מזל טוב אסאך נחת

In Memory of ר אלימלך

Chaskel Landau


Matis Hollender


Ephraim karmel


In Honor of The young couple and their smart father. Yossi you're doing the right thing. זאלסט דיך ווייקען און נחת אין בָאדען און געלט.

Chaim Elya Hartman


In Honor of Mazel Tov to the Weisman Family, lots of naches & simcha

Ari Hartman


Blimi ans yoel Gajer


In Honor of health!! And happiness !!!

Joseph Gross


In Honor of יוסל זאל זען אסאך חסידיש נחת פון אלע קינדערלעך

In Memory of לזכות רפואה שלימה אסתר בת צפורה חנה



S Babad


In Honor of The simcha, happy to be part of the “making weddings great again!” movement

Shlome Werczberger


Miriam Spira


Lieb Breuer


In Honor of המחותן העסקן החשוב הקופץ ראש וראשון לכל דבר שבקדושה הר"ר יוסף

In Memory of חי אסתר בת בנציון

Raizy Weiss


In Honor of The couple Shmily and Faigy. Mazel Tov!!

In Memory of Shlomo Eliezer ben Yaakov

Gitty Shechter


Hershy Teitelbaum


In Honor of החתן וכלה וכל המחותנים

In Memory of מזל טוב שתזכו לראות רב נחת ושמחה מכל צאציאיכם בבריות גופא

C S &C Horowitz


In Memory of Mazal Tov!!

Lea Klein


yoel weissman


Toby Bick


In Memory of לע”נ אדל בת ר אברהם

Shragi Schnitzler


In Honor of Estee and Yossi Weissman

Tzippy Rubinstein


In Honor of Estee Weissman - Mazel Tov!



In Honor of Weissman family

In Memory of Mazel tov!!

Chavie Buxbaum


Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander


In Honor of החתן והכלה שיחיו שיבנו בית נאמן בישראל

Yanky Bernath


In Honor of Yosel Weissman

Charny Jeremias


In Honor of For being an example on how to make a true simcha!

Yoel Weissman


David Stern


In Honor of Yossi u are my hero today. You are teaching us how to shine and be positive! Mazal tov and this zchus should be for be for the entire klal yisroel

Martin Reisman


In Honor of Mazel tov to yossie and esti and chusen shmili and kallah and family you should see lots of yidish nachus from them and all your children

Asher Frankel


In Honor of In honor of Reb Yossi Weissman and chusen Kallah

Yosef Mendelovits


Morton Silberberg


In Honor of In Honor of Yossie Weissman, Mrs. Weissman, Choson & Kallah. Mazel Tov. Only Simchos

Lips Landau


In Honor of Mazel tov. may you see lots of nachos from your new beautiful couple and the gantza mishpucha looking forward to sharing many more Simcha’s together in the future

Chana Ruchy & Yanky Rosenberg


In Honor of Estee Weissman

Aaron Oberlander


In Honor of In honor of Yossi Weissman and family

Menachem Hartman


In Honor of זכות הצדקה יגן להחתן וכלה להתברך בכל מילי דמיטיב מתוך אהבה אחוה ורעות ולישועת ורפואת כלל ישראל בקרוב בימינו

Moshe Landau


Leah Lazar


Yoel Wiesenfeld


In Honor of ר יוסל וכל משפחתו החשובה. און די חתן שמואלי

In Memory of זיך שוין משתתף געוועזען היינט צופרי ביי די חתונה. אבער צו יוסי גייט מען צוויי מאל אויך

Jacob simonovits


Izzy Rosenberg




In Honor of R Yosef, & The chusen Kallah to a happy future

Jacob Lichter


Joel Klein


In Honor of ר יוסל ומשפחתו. מזל טוב.

Mordy Goldberger


In Honor of Yossi Lot of nachas from this Couple from the whole family

Jacob Lichter


In Honor of My dear friend and Mrs. Yossi Weissman

In Memory of In honor of their son's wedding

Yoel Sterngold


In Honor of ר׳ יוסל ממש געוואלדיג - בזכות זה יאמר למשחית הרף - ונזכינו לביאת גוא״צ בב״א

Zisha and Chany Weissman




Moshe M Friedman


In Honor of R yossi and family!!! Mazal tov!

Moshe Eichler


In Honor of Mazel Tov! It's an honor to be part of this great campaign

In Memory of May it be a Zchus!
