Simcha Fund is a division of Tov
V’chesed, Israel’s premier destination for
orphan support, founded and directed by R’
Yaakov Eliezer Shisha. Throughout the
years, Tov V’chesed has earned widespread
acclaim for diligently serving the many
needs of young yesomim, and has
become the go-to address for these
struggling boys and girls.


As is well known in the Jewish world, R’ Shisha is a tireless public servant, who despite having a large family and a business of his own, has dedicated his life to helping the less fortunate. After developing a heralded program for orphaned boys and girls, R’ Shisha and his staff began receiving countless cries for help from orphaned young adults eager to leave their broken childhood behind and begin a happy and healthy family of their own.

One by one, they tearfully described how their wedding expenses are causing them great anguish and stand in the way of them actualizing their long-awaited dream of getting married and turning over a new leaf in life.

These painful requests for help were answered with the founding of Simcha Fund, a special division of Tov V’chesed which directly sponsors the entire wedding night of orphaned chassanim and Kallahs.

Every year, hundreds of weddings are sponsored in their entirety by Simcha Fund and its generous sponsors. The funds are directly distributed to caterers, halls, musicians and other vendors servicing the big night. While the expenses of over 450 weddings are covered, Simcha Fund receives over 500 applications every year from orphans who are desperately waiting for this crucial support. It is up to us to come together and help these broken souls build a new life!

There is a group of donors who together cover the expenses of the first 100 weddings by paying a small share towards each wedding night. The organization is constantly looking for individuals who can form a group and together cover additional 100 weddings. Many Yidden around the world have expressed a willingness to be part of this great mitzvah, and the organization is looking for additional donors who want to partake in this endeavor.

Another significant source of funding are the countless chassanim, kallahs and Mechutanim around the world who undertake to raise funds for an orphaned wedding during their own time of simcha, and thereby merit incredible zechusim for themselves in this auspicious time. Simcha Fund also receives one-time donations from many individuals who wish to be a part of these lofty efforts.

There is little need to elaborate on the tremendous significance of taking on such a cause. We know the promise of HKB”H that אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך. For those in need of a yeshua with a shidduch or any other matter, this is an unprecedented opportunity to secure this awe-inspiring promise!

Bring simcha and joy to a chosson & kallah in need. Bring simcha and joy to yourself and family!

No Chosson and Kallah should have to dread their own wedding, worrying if they will have the funds to make it happen.

Join the Tov V'Chesed Simcha Fund to provide orphaned Chassanim and Kallos with everything they need to start married life with dignity.

Sponsor a Wedding


No Chosson and Kallah should have to dread their own wedding, worrying if they will have the funds to make it happen.

Join the Tov V'Chesed Simcha Fund to provide orphaned Chassanim and Kallos with everything they need to start married life with dignity.

Please fill out the form, and we will contact you soon with more information

Give Happiness


Start your new life with the zchus of helping orphaned brides embark on theirs.

Unite your family and friends to sponsor a wedding that coincides with your own wedding date, and watch them rally to bring you and an orphaned bride joy!

Please fill out the form, and we will contact you soon with more information